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A Look Into The Addictive Personality
What is an addictive personality? If you have had issues with drinking alcohol or using drugs, you may be wondering whether you have an addictive personality. The truth is there are many different traits involved in an addictive personality. Some people will check almost every box to meet the criteria. Others will only have a few of the traits mentioned here today. Regardless, it is important to know that if you do have an addictive personality, our Southeast Addiction Center team is here to help.
Addiction Personality Signs
When trying to determine whether you have an addictive personality, there are some signs that you should notice. Before reading about these signs, it is also important to know that if you see these signs in someone you care about, you should support them in getting addiction recovery help.
Some of the signs of an addiction personality include the following:
Anxiety and depression
Comfort eating and binge eating
Drinking for relaxation or socialization purposes
Impulse spending
Gambling, obsessing and taking high risks
Using drugs or alcohol to cope
Not feeling satisfied with anything for long
Not being able to stop drinking or using drugs
These are just some signs that you may have an addictive personality. If you connect with any of these signs, we want you to know that you will not be alone. We are here to support you in overcoming addiction, transitioning into a recovering lifestyle, and improving your life starting right now!
What Is An Addictive Personality In Regard to Genetics
There has been tons of research done regarding genetics and addictive personalities. Some of this research proves there are links between an addictive personality and genetics. For example, many people with an addiction have parents who struggle with addiction, as well.
Growing up in an addictive environment can play a huge role in whether someone develops an
addiction themselves. If you grew up with any family members who had an addiction, those relationships likely influenced the start of your addiction. For example, maybe your mother would come home drunk a lot of the time. When she was hungover the following day, she may have told you to take care of your younger sibling. This pressure may later lead you to drink alcohol or use drugs.
Even if genetics led you into an addictive lifestyle, you don’t have to continue down this path. You can reach out to us here at Southeast Addiction Center. We would love to help you break free from the grasp your family history has on your addiction.
Addictive Personalities and Impulse Control
Another thing to discuss regarding addictive personalities is impulse control. It is human nature to want to be stimulated and to get what you want. However, people who have an addictive personality often have trouble waiting to get the things they want. This impatience may be why they decide to get drunk. It could help them to achieve a more relaxed mindset when they are stressed out. Another example is when someone chooses to take pain medications to relieve their pain. Being out of pain helps them to relax, sleep better, and have more fun in life.
The problem is that when someone with an addictive personality can get the things they want after using drugs or alcohol, they fall into an addiction. Their mind and body start believing that these substances help them to achieve their wants and needs. After a while, the addiction takes over and there is no impulse control left.
If you have been wondering why do addicts lie, a lack of impulse control is part of the answer. Someone with an addictive personality will often lie to get what they want. If you have lied to your loved ones or friends, please do not feel ashamed. It is part of the addiction. However, you can choose to move forward, make amends, and get into a recovering lifestyle. We can help you with that starting today.
Compulsions and Addictions
Many people believe compulsions are addictions. Others believe compulsions lead to addictions. The truth is there are connections between these two things, even though they aren’t the same thing. For instance, a person who struggles with alcohol addiction might be attempting to deal with trauma. Studies show that there are significant links between trauma and addiction.
On the other hand, someone who has a compulsion might feel anxious about their trauma, yet they might never abuse drugs or alcohol.
Usually, addictions start because the person feels pleasure after drinking or using drugs. Compulsions don’t usually have pleasure involved.
Get Help with Your Addictive Personality Today
Now you have a better idea of whether you have an addictive personality. If you have connected with the characteristics mentioned above, you do likely have this type of personality. However, this does not, by any means, make you a bad person. Addictions have a way of taking hold of a person’s life and not letting go. You don’t need to feel ashamed and you certainly are not alone.
What is an addictive personality? As you read above, you may have an addictive personality. That might not change. However, we can teach you ways to manage your personality and live your best life in recovery. Contact us here at Southeast Addiction Center today. We want to help you get the treatment needed to manage your addictive personality.