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Tricare & Substance Abuse Treatment

Tricare offers coverage for substance abuse treatment, including detoxification, counseling, and therapy. It’s important to reach out to Tricare directly or visit their website to understand the specific details of your coverage and find a provider that meets your needs.

You’re not alone in your fight against addiction. Tricare, a champion for military families and veterans, stands ready to support your journey towards healing with extensive substance abuse treatment coverage.

Uncover a World of Support:

  • Comprehensive Coverage: Tricare throws a wide safety net, encompassing inpatient/outpatient programs, detox, counseling, medication-assisted treatment (MAT), and residential rehab facilities.
  • Tailored Options: Choose the path that suits you best. Inpatient care provides round-the-clock therapy at specialized centers, while outpatient programs allow flexibility with therapy sessions from home.
  • MAT Integration: Recognizing its effectiveness, Tricare covers FDA-approved medications alongside therapy for a powerful recovery approach.

Tricare’s Support for Substance Abuse Recovery 

Understanding Tricare’s Commitment:

Tricare recognizes the profound impact of substance abuse on individuals and families. Their unwavering commitment translates into a vast array of treatment options, ensuring each person receives the support they need. Whether you battle alcoholism, drug dependence, or any other form of addiction, Tricare stands firmly by your side.

A Tapestry of Support:

Tricare’s coverage is a rich tapestry woven with diverse treatment modalities. Let’s explore some key threads:

  • Inpatient and Outpatient Care: Tricare empowers you to choose the right setting for your recovery. Inpatient programs offer intensive therapy and structured support within specialized facilities, ensuring 24/7 care. Conversely, outpatient programs provide flexibility, allowing you to attend therapy sessions at clinics or hospitals while residing at home.
  • Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT): Recognizing the effectiveness of MAT in combating opioid use disorders and alcohol dependence, Tricare embraces this approach. FDA-approved medications are seamlessly integrated with behavioral therapies, creating a potent force for recovery.
  • Detoxification Services: Safely detoxifying your body from the grip of addictive substances is crucial for initiating recovery. Tricare offers coverage for medically supervised detox programs, easing you through the withdrawal process with the support of qualified professionals.
  • Counseling and Therapy: Addressing the psychological underpinnings of addiction is paramount. Tricare provides coverage for individual and group therapy sessions, fostering a safe space to explore triggers, develop coping mechanisms, and cultivate emotional well-being.
  • Residential Rehab Centers: For those seeking a structured environment outside of a medical facility, Tricare covers residential rehab programs. These programs provide intensive therapy, peer support, and life skills training within a supportive community.
Tricare Addiction Treatment Center in Nashville TN
Tricare Addiction treatment center near Maplewood Heights, Nashville, TN 37216 Inpatient drug rehab treatment options. Addiction Tricare treatment center near Mountcastle Eastates, Nashville, TN 37221 Inpatient drug rehab treatment options. Substance abuse treatment Berry Hill, Mt. Juliet

Taking the First Step:

Knowing where to begin can be daunting. Here’s a breakdown of accessing treatment with Tricare:

  • Understanding Your Plan: Familiarize yourself with your specific Tricare plan. This ensures you grasp the covered services, limitations, and any necessary pre-authorization requirements. Tricare offers various plans, each with slightly different coverage details.
  • Securing Referrals: Depending on your plan, a referral from your primary care physician (PCP) might be needed for certain treatments. This referral ensures your chosen treatment aligns with your overall healthcare needs.
  • Finding Approved Providers: Tricare boasts a network of licensed professionals experienced in treating addiction disorders. Locate them through the Tricare online directory or contact customer service for assistance. Choosing in-network providers maximizes your benefits and minimizes out-of-pocket expenses.
  • Contacting Providers: Reach out to potential providers to discuss their services, availability, and insurance acceptance. Share any treatment preferences or concerns during these conversations.
  • Scheduling Assessment: Once you’ve identified a suitable provider, schedule an initial assessment promptly. This evaluation determines the severity of the addiction and recommends the most appropriate treatment options.
  • Embracing Treatment: Recovery is a journey, not a destination. Adhere closely to your treatment plan, whether it includes intensive therapy, medication, support groups, or outpatient services. Active participation is key to lasting change.

Remember, Tricare is here to support you every step of the way. You don’t have to walk this path alone.

Financial Considerations:

Finances shouldn’t be a roadblock to recovery. Tricare operates on a cost-sharing model, meaning you and Tricare share treatment costs based on your specific plan. While Tricare covers a substantial portion of substance abuse treatment, some out-of-pocket costs might exist, such as deductibles, copayments, or coinsurance fees.

Here are some tips to navigate Tricare’s cost-sharing model:

  • Confirm Coverage: Before embarking on treatment, contact Tricare to verify specific services covered under your plan and understand potential out-of-pocket costs.
  • Prioritize In-Network Providers: Choosing in-network providers ensures pre-negotiated rates with Tricare, minimizing your financial burden.
  • Explore Resources: Tricare might offer resources to help manage treatment costs regardless of your financial circumstances. Don’t hesitate to inquire.

The Power of Stories:

The path to recovery is filled with both challenges and triumphs. Hearing stories of individuals who have overcome addiction with Tricare’s support can be a source of immense inspiration.

Strength in Numbers:

Tricare fosters a supportive community. You’ll have access to resources connecting you with people who have successfully navigated addiction recovery. 

Seeking Help is Strength:

Don’t wait. Professional intervention tackles the root of addiction, equips you with coping mechanisms, and minimizes relapse risks. Reclaim your well-being – Tricare empowers you to heal.

Let’s Dive Deeper:

  • Treatment Types: Explore the diverse treatments covered by Tricare, from inpatient support to outpatient flexibility and medication-assisted therapy.
  • Accessing Treatment: We’ll guide you through a step-by-step process to access treatment seamlessly using your Tricare coverage.
  • Financial Responsibility: Don’t let finances hold you back. Understand Tricare’s cost-sharing model and maximize benefits with in-network providers.

Success Stories Abound:

People just like you have overcome addiction with Tricare’s help. Find inspiration in their journeys and believe in your own path to recovery.

Make the Choice Today:

Tricare offers personalized services, diverse coverage options, confidentiality, financial support, and a holistic approach to healing. Join a supportive community and connect with those who triumphed over addiction.

Reach out now – it’s a sign of strength. Tricare is here to guide you towards a healthier future. Explore options today and embark on a transformative journey.

Nashville Suicide Prevention Resources

Suicide is claiming the lives of people in Tennessee at an alarming rate. 

In 2021, 17% of deaths were attributed to suicide. Its impact isn’t just on the individual who takes their own life but has a ripple effect. Family members and friends feel the emotional and psychological consequences. Losing someone close can be challenging to heal from.  

Still, the impact doesn’t stop with family and friends. Communities can feel the residual effects as well. Research shows that exposure to suicide can put vulnerable individuals at risk. 

Therefore, it is vital to bring awareness, education, and support to those struggling with suicidal ideation. Suicidal ideation (SI) is a term used to describe a range of contemplations and preoccupations with death and suicide.

Health professionals, local government, and the public must take action to combat this aggressive hold. We each can play a part in protecting the lives of others. Effective treatment, rehab programs, and proper education must reach those who need it.

Southeast Addiction Center Tennessee is also available to help. With locations in Tennessee and Georgia, we are conveniently located. Our treatment team is composed of experienced professionals. 

We understand the impact of suicide and mental health disorders. Individuals on our team have battled mental health and substance use disorders (SUD). We want treatment to get into the homes of everyone who needs it.

Our addiction treatment programs include the following: 

We also have several other solutions to help those in Nashville and surrounding areas understand the causes and preventive measures for suicidal ideation. 

Failing to address the suicide crisis will continue to have severe consequences. We’ve compiled facts to help you understand the immediate need for action.

Tennessee Suicide Statistics

In 2019, 1,220 people in Tennessee died from suicide. Also, Tennessee’s suicide rate was 29% higher than the national average in the same year. 

The gender and age breakdown is important to note. Males accounted for 1,027 suicide deaths in Tennessee. Females accounted for 328. The age group with the highest number of suicides was 45-54. 25-34 were the second most. 

The rural areas of Tennessee have the highest rates of suicide. The East Tennessee Region is the most vulnerable, with a 20.6% rate.

Compared to the rest of the country, Tennessee ranks 19th for its high suicide rate.

The Tennessee Suicide Prevention Network is a statewide organization that provides education, training, and resources to Tennesseeans to prevent suicide. The network also offers crisis counseling and services to those in need. 

What to do if Someone is Suicidal

If someone you know expresses that they feel suicidal or their actions are out of character, you must take them seriously. The best approach is to respond with care and urgency. 

Here are some steps you can take:

  • Stay Calm – Maintain your composure when speaking with them. Our reactions can rub off on other people and make them feel further distress.
  • Listen – Don’t discount the feelings and thoughts of someone else. Never think it’s just “talk.” Never assume they will “shake out of it.” Listen with a hearing ear without being judgmental. Avoid dismissing how the person feels. This will only make them feel worse.
  • Be Supportive – Provide the person with a crisis line to call or other resources. Explain to the person that they are not alone and encourage them to take steps to get help.
  • Seek Professional Help – A medical professional must address suicidal ideation. The person could have other underlying or preexisting conditions contributing to suicidal thoughts and feelings.
  • Remove Access to Means – If weapons or other harmful objects are present, take precautions to remove them. Medications and drugs should also be out of their reach. 
  • Stay in Touch – Listening and offering support in the moment is essential. But you should also check in with the individual to ensure they get the professional assistance they need. Never think one conversation will end suicidal ideation. 

If someone is in immediate danger of hurting themselves, call emergency services or a suicide hotline immediately.

Tennessee Suicide Prevention Resources

If you or someone you know is struggling with suicidal ideation, many resources are available in Tennessee. These resources are designed to provide support and assistance to you or a loved one facing suicidal ideation. 

Here are some statewide resources:

Remember, seeking help is a sign of strength, not weakness. If you or someone you know is in crisis, please seek help.

Nashville Suicide Prevention Resources

Below are Nashville-based resources:

  • NAMI-TN provides training and mental health crisis support for caregives for loved ones suffering from mental illness. 

National Resources 

Suicide is a national issue, and it extends worldwide. Globally, it is the leading cause of death among young adults. Many countries, including the U.S., have adopted comprehensive suicide prevention resources and strategies. The goal is to bring awareness to this public health crisis.

Below are national resources that can be accessed anywhere in the country.

  • National Suicide Prevention Lifeline provides free and confidential support 24/7 at 800-273-TALK (8255). They also offer an online chat option on their website.
  • Crisis Text Line is accessible by texting HOME to 741741 to connect with a trained crisis counselor 24/7.
  • The Trevor Project provides crisis intervention and suicide prevention services to LGBTQ+ youth. They offer a 24/7 hotline at 866-488-7386. The website also has a text line and an online chat option.
  • Veterans Crisis Line supports veterans and their families. They offer a 24/7 hotline at 800-273-8255 and a text line at 838255.
  • American Foundation for Suicide Prevention provides resources and support for those affected by suicide. Resources include education and advocacy for suicide prevention. They offer a crisis hotline at 800-273-TALK (8255), support groups, and online resources.
  • Help Youreslf Help Others is a free assessment that you can take yourself or for someone else to determine suicidal ideation or other possible mental health disorders. 

If you or a family member needs support with suicidal ideation, we encourage you to contact Southeast Addiction Center Tennessee or access the available resources. 

How you or your loved one receives treatment is up to your needs and access. But, most important to us is that individuals receive the treatment they need to live a better quality of life. You can reach us at (615) 326-6449. You can also email us at [email protected].

Nashville Addiction Support Resources

Substance abuse is an ever-prevalent public health concern around the country. The crisis is growing even more problematic in Tennessee, specifically, Nashville. Drug abuse isn’t limited to specific groups of people or lifestyles, but it impacts people of all ages and backgrounds. 

Health professionals, local government, and the public must take action to combat this aggressive hold. The next life saved could be yours or a loved one’s. Effective treatment, rehab programs, and proper education must get into the hands of those needing it. 

Southeast Addiction Center Tennessee is here to help. With locations in Tennessee and Georgia, we are conveniently located. 

Our addiction treatment programs include the following: 

We also have several other solutions to help those in Nashville and surrounding areas recover as comfortably as possible. Our treatment is done in a professional and supervised environment. 

Our treatment services include the following:

Failing to address the substance abuse crisis will continue to have severe consequences. We’ve compiled facts to help you understand the immediate need for action.

Nashville Substance Abuse Statistics

In 2021, 3,814 citizens died from drug overdose-related incidents in Tennessee. 540 occurred in Nashville alone. To give some perspective, that is a 12% increase from the previous year. 

Opioids, the number one cause of drug overdoses, were involved in approximately 70% of drug overdose deaths in Davidson County in 2021. Heroin and stimulants were second and third, respectively, 

While the COVID-19 pandemic swept the world, the Metro Public Health Department reported more deaths from drug overdose than from the pandemic. 2020 saw 619 fatal drug overdoses in Nashville, up 25% from 2019. 

Most people dying from overdoses in 2020 were adults aged 25-44. Nearly 80% of those were related to high-powered Fentanyl.

35,460 adults were treated and entered a substance abuse treatment program in 2022. 

By 2012, 20% of citizens aged 12 and older reported episodes of alcohol binge drinking. By 2019, alcohol-related deaths had a rate of 37% compared to the national average of 19.5%.

Methamphetamine continues to be a statewide problem in Tennessee. Officials cite that it is made in various places, including single-family homes, rental properties, hotel rooms, and vehicles. The residue left behind can be dangerous to anyone who comes in contact with it.

Breaking the Cycle of Addiction 

It goes without saying that breaking the cycle of addiction is critical. It can affect families, individuals, and entire communities if left unchecked. 

Not only that, but untreated addiction can cause physical and mental health problems, financial and social instability, and, unfortunately, death. 

When the stronghold of addiction is released, individuals can regain control over their lives, improve their overall health, and become productive citizens. 

Lastly, the chances of passing the addiction down to children lessen as more and more families receive the treatment and services they need.

Getting Help for Substance Abuse in Nashville

Naloxone in Nashville

Naloxone is available in Tennessee. It is a medication used to reverse the effects of an opioid overdose. Individuals can receive it without a prescription from most pharmacies around the state. 

The following locations provide naloxone is little or no cost:

Support Groups in Nashville

Support groups provide a supportive, safe space for individuals who share a common condition, in this case, substance abuse. It is a place to share stories, feelings, and emotions while building educational knowledge and coping skills for overcoming addiction. 

  • Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) Meetings in Nashville: The AA Resource Center provides a comprehensive list of AA meetings in Nashville, Tennessee. These meetings are an essential component of ongoing efforts for recovery. Individuals can select from the open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings to help them through sobriety.
  • Narcotics Anonymous NA Meetings In Nashville: Like AA meetings, NA meetings provide guidance and support for continued sobriety. These meetings include peer support, the Twelve Steps Program, and other coping strategies.
  • Syringe Services Program: This service provides a safe and clean way to dispose of needles and obtain sterilized ones. This helps to reduce the transmission of diseases such as HIV, hepatitis, and other blood-borne infections. To help those needing treatment, services include access to recovery programs, educational resources, and counseling.  
  • Hospitals in and near Nashville: Hospitals have programs to provide medical care and support to individuals struggling with addiction and substance abuse. Many hospitals offer medically-assisted detoxification (detox), medication management, therapy, and aftercare support. Hospitals also provide the educational resources families need to support loved ones. 

If you or a family member needs support treating addiction, we encourage you to contact Southeast Addiction Center Tennessee or access the available resources. How you or your loved one receives treatment is up to your needs and access. 

But, most important to us is that individuals receive the treatment they need to live a better quality of life. You can reach us at (615) 326-6449. You can also email us at [email protected].

Nashville Overdose Prevention Resources

Tennessee has become a hub of activity for the transport of drugs, which then makes it to other states. The most common drugs in the state are cocaine, marijuana, and methamphetamine. 

This activity has led to an increase in drug use in the state. According to the Tennessee Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services, substance abuse is now a public health concern. 

The drug crisis is sweeping the state. There are government and non-profit resources available to educate the citizens of Tennessee. The collaborative goal is to ensure as many people who need access to resources to save their lives have it. 

Effective treatment, access to rehab programs, and proper education are critical. Those actions can save those with mental health and substance abuse disorders.

Southeast Addiction Center Tennessee can help you or a loved one with a substance use disorder (SUD). Located in Nashville, we are easily accessible to surrounding areas. Medical professionals lead our addiction treatment programs. They have dedicated their careers to treating substance abuse and mental health disorders. Our treatment programs include the following: 

Our clients receive individualized treatment plans catering to their specific substances, preexisting conditions, and underlying disorders. While we have several therapy options, the care each person receives ultimately depends on their particular needs. 

The following are the services we offer:

Failing to address the substance abuse crisis can lead to severe consequences. We’ve compiled facts to help you understand the immediate need for action.

Nashville Overdose Stats

In 2020, 421 overdose deaths occurred in Davidson County.

In 2021, 67% of the reported overdose deaths were men in Nashville/Davidson County. In addition, most of the deaths were people aged 35-44.  

From 2020 to 2021, there was a 15% increase in drug-related deaths reported in the metro area. 

Tennessee Overdose Stats

According to the Tennessee Department of Health, in 2020, there were 3,032 overdose deaths in Tennessee. With these numbers, Tennessee ranked 3rd in the country for drug overdose deaths. 

Opioid use in Tennessee continues to rise. Of the state’s nearly 7 million residents, 70,000 have reported an opioid addiction. This makes the state 2nd in the nation for opioid addiction. 

Underage binge drinking continues to be a problem as well. Of individuals aged 12-20, 11.45% reported binge drinking in 2014. 

A University of Tennessee study found that 60% of people with a substance abuse problem in the 2010s received their first dose from a family member or friend, which was not prescribed directly to them.

Deaths related to fentanyl have increased by 70% since 2016. 

What to Do in the Event of an Overdose

If someone you know might be experiencing an overdose, you must respond with urgency. 

Remain calm and consider the following steps:

  • Time is of the essence when it comes to an overdose. Life-saving measures must be taken, so it’s crucial to call 911 immediately.
  • Stay with the individual until help arrives. If the individual is responsive, keep them awake and speaking while monitoring their breathing.
  • If you are trained to perform CPR, do so immediately. Alternatively, a 911 operator can talk you through the steps.
  • Even if you aren’t sure if an individual has overdosed, the best course of action is to seek immediate medical help.
  • If you have it, administer naloxone. In Tennessee, individuals can purchase naloxone from many pharmacies without a prescription. Local health departments and community-based organizations have naloxone at little or no cost to Tennesseeans. Naloxone rapidly reverses the effects of an opioid overdose and restores normal breathing.

Immediate and proper care is the only way to save lives. Calling emergency services for help is the most critical step to take in the possible event of an overdose.  

Tennessee Overdose Prevention Resources

The following organizations provide information on overdose prevention and how to recognize the signs of an overdose. They also offer crisis intervention, support, and treatment information. 

The following organizations provide naloxone at little or no cost.

Nashville Overdose Prevention Resources

The following organizations provide access to crisis intervention, support, treatment, and recovery facilities.

Organizations in Tennessee offer locations for dropping off used syringes in exchange for sterile ones. These sites also offer education and resources for treatment of substance abuse.

The following locations and organizations provide naloxone locally in Nashville:

National Overdose Prevention Resources

If you or a family member needs support treating addiction or have recently had an overdose, we encourage you to contact Southeast Addiction Center Tennessee or access the available resources. 

You or your loved one deserves to receive the care they need. Living in sobriety improves the quality of life and contributes to overall wellness. You can reach us at (615) 326-6449 or email us at [email protected].

Nashville Substance Abuse Facts

Statistics About Substance Abuse In Nashville and Available Help for Addiction

Like any other metropolitan area in the United States, Nashville has its share of substance abuse. Below you’ll find some facts and figures about alcohol and drug abuse in the area, as well as some resources to get the help you need. 

We’ve compiled a list of some of the most relevant facts and figures so you can understand how Nashville shapes up compared to other places in the country. But perhaps more importantly, we’ve also compiled a list of places you can get help for alcohol and other substance abuses in the area, should you or a loved one need them. 

And please remember, at Southeast Addiction Rehab Centers, we are always here to help. We have locations in Tennessee and Georgia to serve both you and your loved ones. We offer many services for addiction treatment such as: 

  • A Residential Detox Program
  • Partial Hospitalization Program
  • And An Intensive Outpatient program

Plus many more services to make your journey to recovery as comfortable and effective as possible. 

Read on for more addiction resources in the Nashville Area. 

Nashville Substance Abuse Statistics

In the Nashville area, there are more than 200,000 people that have reported using illegal  drugs within the past year, according to a report from the National Survey On Drug Use and Health. This accounts for more than 18 percent of the population in the area, and is higher than the rates for the state of Tennessee and the United States. 

In 2018, opioids killed more than 1300 people that year alone, marking this one of the greatest threats to the community. 

According to the same study, “In the Nashville-Davidson-Murfreesboro-Franklin MSA, an annual average of 218,000 persons aged 12 or older used any illicit drug in the past year. This represents 18.1 percent of the MSA population and is higher than the rates for the State of Tennessee (14.5 percent) and the Nation as a whole (14.7 percent). The rate of marijuana use in the past year was 13.8 percent, which was also higher than the rates in Tennessee and the Nation. The rate of nonmedical use of prescription-type pain relievers in the Nashville-Davidson-Murfreesboro-Franklin MSA was 6.4 percent, which was similar to the rate in the State of Tennessee and the rate nationally.”

According to a study from the Metro Nashville Public Health Administration, “In 2021 there were 712 suspected drug overdose deaths [In Nashville/Davidson County], representing a 15% increase compared to 2020, where 621 overdose deaths were reported.

Seventy-four percent of overdose-related toxicology reports in 2021 detected fentanyl, a synthetic opioid pain reliever that has been the main driver in the increased number of drug overdose deaths in Nashville.”

In plain language, this means, like much of the rest of the United States, Fentanyl is driving overdose deaths at a disproportionate rate. 

NARCAN in Nashville

NARCAN, a drug generally administered as a spray in the nose, can block the effects of an opioid overdose and save the lives of those who are experiencing them. NARCAN training and distribution is handled officially by anti-drug coalitions in Tennessee. The anti-drug coalition providing NARCAN and training in its use is called Nashville Prevention Partnership. 

They can be reached at (615) 973-3323.

AA Meetings In Nashville

A list of all Alcoholics Anonymous meetings in greater Nashville can be found here:

Other resources for Alcoholics Anonymous can also be found on the Nashville AA website. 

NA Meetings In Nashville

A list of all Alcoholics Anonymous meetings in Nashville and anywhere in the U.S. can be found on AA’s website:

Hospitals In Nashville: 

If you need help for an acute problem with drugs or alcohol, such as an overdose, a hospital is likely your best option. This is a non-exhaustive list of hospitals in the Nashville Area. If you or someone you know is in a life threatening situation, please call 911. 

Vanderbilt University Medical Center

1211 Medical Center Drive, Nashville 37232


Saint Thomas Midtown Hospital

2000 Church St., Nashville 37236


Tristar Centennial Medical Center

2300 Patterson St., Nashville 37203


Kindred Hospital

1412 County Hospital Road, Nashville 37218


Get Care For Your Drug Or Alcohol Addiction In Nashville

If you are struggling with drug or alcohol addiction in Nashville, please call us at any time at 888-918-8263 and we can help you get on the road to recovery. We offer many services for people recovering from drug and alcohol abuse in the Nashville area, including inpatient rehabilitation services and wrap around services. 

We want to stress that help is out there. We are absolutely confident that, with appropriate help, you or your loved ones can recover from drug or alcohol addiction. We pride ourselves on helping our patients every day, and we believe we can likely help you too. 

Call today to get on the road to recovery and back to leading a healthy and happy life free from substances.