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Nashville Suicide Prevention Resources

Suicide is claiming the lives of people in Tennessee at an alarming rate. 

In 2021, 17% of deaths were attributed to suicide. Its impact isn’t just on the individual who takes their own life but has a ripple effect. Family members and friends feel the emotional and psychological consequences. Losing someone close can be challenging to heal from.  

Still, the impact doesn’t stop with family and friends. Communities can feel the residual effects as well. Research shows that exposure to suicide can put vulnerable individuals at risk. 

Therefore, it is vital to bring awareness, education, and support to those struggling with suicidal ideation. Suicidal ideation (SI) is a term used to describe a range of contemplations and preoccupations with death and suicide.

Health professionals, local government, and the public must take action to combat this aggressive hold. We each can play a part in protecting the lives of others. Effective treatment, rehab programs, and proper education must reach those who need it.

Southeast Addiction Center Tennessee is also available to help. With locations in Tennessee and Georgia, we are conveniently located. Our treatment team is composed of experienced professionals. 

We understand the impact of suicide and mental health disorders. Individuals on our team have battled mental health and substance use disorders (SUD). We want treatment to get into the homes of everyone who needs it.

Our addiction treatment programs include the following: 

We also have several other solutions to help those in Nashville and surrounding areas understand the causes and preventive measures for suicidal ideation. 

Failing to address the suicide crisis will continue to have severe consequences. We’ve compiled facts to help you understand the immediate need for action.

Tennessee Suicide Statistics

In 2019, 1,220 people in Tennessee died from suicide. Also, Tennessee’s suicide rate was 29% higher than the national average in the same year. 

The gender and age breakdown is important to note. Males accounted for 1,027 suicide deaths in Tennessee. Females accounted for 328. The age group with the highest number of suicides was 45-54. 25-34 were the second most. 

The rural areas of Tennessee have the highest rates of suicide. The East Tennessee Region is the most vulnerable, with a 20.6% rate.

Compared to the rest of the country, Tennessee ranks 19th for its high suicide rate.

The Tennessee Suicide Prevention Network is a statewide organization that provides education, training, and resources to Tennesseeans to prevent suicide. The network also offers crisis counseling and services to those in need. 

What to do if Someone is Suicidal

If someone you know expresses that they feel suicidal or their actions are out of character, you must take them seriously. The best approach is to respond with care and urgency. 

Here are some steps you can take:

  • Stay Calm – Maintain your composure when speaking with them. Our reactions can rub off on other people and make them feel further distress.
  • Listen – Don’t discount the feelings and thoughts of someone else. Never think it’s just “talk.” Never assume they will “shake out of it.” Listen with a hearing ear without being judgmental. Avoid dismissing how the person feels. This will only make them feel worse.
  • Be Supportive – Provide the person with a crisis line to call or other resources. Explain to the person that they are not alone and encourage them to take steps to get help.
  • Seek Professional Help – A medical professional must address suicidal ideation. The person could have other underlying or preexisting conditions contributing to suicidal thoughts and feelings.
  • Remove Access to Means – If weapons or other harmful objects are present, take precautions to remove them. Medications and drugs should also be out of their reach. 
  • Stay in Touch – Listening and offering support in the moment is essential. But you should also check in with the individual to ensure they get the professional assistance they need. Never think one conversation will end suicidal ideation. 

If someone is in immediate danger of hurting themselves, call emergency services or a suicide hotline immediately.

Tennessee Suicide Prevention Resources

If you or someone you know is struggling with suicidal ideation, many resources are available in Tennessee. These resources are designed to provide support and assistance to you or a loved one facing suicidal ideation. 

Here are some statewide resources:

Remember, seeking help is a sign of strength, not weakness. If you or someone you know is in crisis, please seek help.

Nashville Suicide Prevention Resources

Below are Nashville-based resources:

  • NAMI-TN provides training and mental health crisis support for caregives for loved ones suffering from mental illness. 

National Resources 

Suicide is a national issue, and it extends worldwide. Globally, it is the leading cause of death among young adults. Many countries, including the U.S., have adopted comprehensive suicide prevention resources and strategies. The goal is to bring awareness to this public health crisis.

Below are national resources that can be accessed anywhere in the country.

  • National Suicide Prevention Lifeline provides free and confidential support 24/7 at 800-273-TALK (8255). They also offer an online chat option on their website.
  • Crisis Text Line is accessible by texting HOME to 741741 to connect with a trained crisis counselor 24/7.
  • The Trevor Project provides crisis intervention and suicide prevention services to LGBTQ+ youth. They offer a 24/7 hotline at 866-488-7386. The website also has a text line and an online chat option.
  • Veterans Crisis Line supports veterans and their families. They offer a 24/7 hotline at 800-273-8255 and a text line at 838255.
  • American Foundation for Suicide Prevention provides resources and support for those affected by suicide. Resources include education and advocacy for suicide prevention. They offer a crisis hotline at 800-273-TALK (8255), support groups, and online resources.
  • Help Youreslf Help Others is a free assessment that you can take yourself or for someone else to determine suicidal ideation or other possible mental health disorders. 

If you or a family member needs support with suicidal ideation, we encourage you to contact Southeast Addiction Center Tennessee or access the available resources. 

How you or your loved one receives treatment is up to your needs and access. But, most important to us is that individuals receive the treatment they need to live a better quality of life. You can reach us at (615) 326-6449. You can also email us at [email protected].

OCD And Alcoholism

How OCD and Alcoholism Interact

It’s estimated that more than two million people in the United States are living with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). This mental health disorder is characterized by intrusive, repetitive thoughts and behaviors. It can be debilitating, making it difficult to work or even maintain relationships. 

On top of that, many OCD sufferers also struggle with alcohol use disorder (AUD), which can make their symptoms worse. In the following post, we will explore how OCD and alcoholism interact and what steps someone with both conditions can take to manage them. 

You’ll learn about the warning signs of the two conditions, how they may feed off of each other, and treatment options available for someone struggling with both.

What Is Obsessive Compulsive Disorder?

There are many different types of OCD, but the most common feature is having intrusive and unwanted thoughts (obsessions) that lead to anxiety and distress. People with OCD often try to neutralize their obsessions with compulsions (repetitive behaviors or mental acts). For example, a person with OCD might have an obsession with contamination and wash their hands compulsively to reduce their fear of becoming sick.

OCD can be a debilitating disorder that interferes with daily life. It can cause significant distress and impair functioning at work, school, and in personal relationships. People with OCD often avoid situations that trigger their obsessions or engage in rituals that temporarily relieve their anxiety. However, these avoidance strategies and rituals ultimately reinforce the OCD cycle and make the disorder worse in the long run.

People with OCD are at increased risk for developing other psychiatric disorders, such as depression, anxiety disorders, eating disorders, and substance use disorders. The co-occurrence of OCD and other psychiatric disorders is called comorbidity. Comorbidity can complicate the diagnosis and treatment of both disorders. One of these disorders is alcoholism. 

What Is alcoholism And How Does It Interact With OCD?

There are many different types of alcoholism, but all of them involve a strong, uncontrollable craving for alcohol. People with alcoholism often drink too much, too often, and for longer periods of time than they intended to. They may also continue to drink even after it’s causing problems in their lives.

Alcoholism is more than just drinking too much from time to time. It’s a chronic disease that can cause major health problems, including liver damage, heart disease, and cancer. Alcoholism can also lead to mental health problems like anxiety and depression. If you have alcoholism, you may need treatment to help you stop drinking.

So, how do OCD and alcoholism interact?

The interaction between OCD and alcoholism is complex and not fully understood. There is evidence that OCD may increase the risk for developing alcoholism, and that alcoholism may worsen OCD symptoms.

People with OCD may use alcohol as a way to cope with their anxiety and compulsions. Alcohol can help to temporarily reduce anxiety and provide a sense of relief from obsessive thoughts. However, over time, alcohol can make OCD symptoms worse. People with OCD who drink heavily are more likely to experience severe compulsions, depression, and suicidal thoughts.

Alcoholism can also trigger or worsen OCD symptoms. Anxiety is a common symptom of withdrawal from alcohol, and people with OCD may be particularly sensitive to this anxiety. In addition, people with alcoholism are at increased risk for developing Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD). It is not known exactly why the two conditions are linked, but it is thought that they share certain genetic and/or environmental risk factors.

If you have OCD and alcoholism, it is important to get treatment for both conditions. Untreated OCD can lead to worsening symptoms and increased alcohol use, which can in turn worsen OCD symptoms. Alcoholism can also cause serious health problems, so getting treatment is essential to maintaining your health and well-being.

What are the consequences of OCD and Alcohol Interacting?

There are a few different ways that OCD and alcoholism can interact with each other, and each one comes with its own set of consequences.

If someone with OCD is also struggling with alcoholism, they may find that their compulsions become more intense and/or frequent when they are under the influence of alcohol. This can lead to them engaging in compulsive behaviors more often, which can in turn lead to negative consequences like job loss, financial problems, and social isolation.

Alcoholism can also worsen the symptoms of OCD, making them more difficult to manage. This can lead to a decrease in quality of life and an increased risk of developing other mental health disorders.

So how are these treated in conjunction?

There are a few different ways to get help if you suffer from OCD and alcoholism. You can see a therapist who specializes in treating OCD, you can go to an OCD support group, you can call a helpline like the National Helpline for Mental Health, or you can come to a facility like ours which treat the diseases in conjunction and get to the root of the problem.

If you come to see us, we’ll treat both as inseparable, which they are, as one informs and worsens the other. You can get treatment for alcoholism and OCD all at once, rather than trying to deal with each separately. 

Help for OCD and Alcoholism

If you want to get help for your OCD and alcoholism, the first step is to reach out for help. Call us at (615) 326-6449. We can help you get you life back. 

Overall, OCD and alcoholism interact in a complex way. People with OCD may turn to alcohol as a coping mechanism for their anxiety or symptoms of their disorder. On the other hand, people who are already struggling with alcoholism can find that it leads to more severe obsessive-compulsive behaviors down the line. As such, it needs to be treated in conjunction, to get to the root of both problems. 

Give us a call. We can help.